I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from friends this simple phrase: “I’m not even going to consider dieting until after the holidays”?

It seems that the temptation is too great for most of us to even consider that a bit more exercise and a little less food would be a lot easier on our bodies and minds.  Also, why not just not eat smaller portions of the highly caloric food? I promise you won’t feel horrible after you leave the table. You’ll have a smile while everyone else is groaning.

All of this sounds reasonable, but is it doable?

I have been wrestling with 20 lbs extra since I got married. I call it “happy weight.” Yes, I do believe that many people stop trying whenever they enter into a happy place. We eat and drink a bit more. Instead of spending our time at the gym primping for suitors, we watch television and eat.

I also have hoards of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter friends who have simply given up on physical relationship altogether. Instead, they have decided to make friends with junk food. That’s an easy tradeoff, because food doesn’t fight back. It just makes you fat and disgusted with yourself.

Let’s get back to my 20 lbs of adipose tissue connected directly to my belly. I noticed that the majority of my weight comes from eating food with gluten. When I eat bread, pasta, and treats that have gluten, I not only feel sick, but my gut expands exponentially. I was aghast recently at a photo shoot when I had to bring my own dress shirt. I couldn’t button it. I hadn’t worn this dress shirt in a year. I was embarrassed and a bit ashamed of myself for not noticing that the weight had become this much of a problem and all in one place.

As a child I was always told I was too skinny. “Eat up!” “You look like you’re wasting away!” “How do you stay so skinny?” Skinny is the operative word. No matter how nicely anyone put their compliments, I always heard the word “skinny” and nothing else.

Lately, when I start gaining weight and getting more photo shoots as a larger man, I guess, I rather liked the attention. Maybe I got cuter or more handsome with weight was the rationale.

However, I don’t feel healthy. Sincerely, I don’t have the money to buy all new clothes this season, either. So, I can’t afford to spend money on Christmas presents and buy a new wardrobe in 2019. It’s that simple. So, making a commitment to change my diet during the holiday is an absolute must.

Why don’t you follow my blog and find out how this works out. I’m going to be using some tried true hypnosis practices during this process.

I’ll keep posting as I move forward.
Bo Sebastian, Owner of Hypnosis on Las Olas 954-253-6493

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