Change Is Coming
Change Is Coming

Change Is Coming

“Live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find eternity in each moment.” Henry David Thoreau

If we live in the present, no matter what the situation, we learn an amazing thing about love, Eternal Spirit, and our own sense of trust in all of the above.

You Must Love Change Because Change Is Coming

Webster says that change means: to make or transform completely. Change is not often something that happens spontaneously. Think about the journey of the caterpillar. It crawls on its belly for a long while, skirmishing about in the dirt, before it ever climbs a tree and spins its cocoon. Whenever it moves into silence, the transformation begins.

God, through the science of nature, metabolically changes and rearranges every cell of the caterpillar to become a flying creature. We know that this entire journey is instinctual in an insect.

The metaphor for humans to transform, however, takes a decision to change and also requires willingness. We must use the same self-thinking brain that God gave humans to say YES to the transformation process.

The only part of the process of your metamorphosis that is yours to do is to provide the willingness to climb the tree of change and spin the web of your dreams into God Consciousness.

It is with your willingness that you allow Spirit to begin this miraculous change in you, through you, and AS YOU.

The miracle of change begins in the moment you choose to stop spinning your web and rest in the truth that what you have planted WILL CERTAINLY GROW IN DUE TIME. It is then that God manifests the incredible power of metamorphosis.

  • Everything is changing. Even this moment will be in the past in just a nano-second;
  • When I see a current situation that frightens me, I remember all of the times in the past that I’ve gotten through valiantly, becoming braver and more compassionate with every experience;
  • When I take responsibility for my present moment and my perception of it, I realize that life lives as an ephemeral memory in my brain. I have created this. I keep the parts of it I want to hold. I let go of that which no longer serves me;
  • I choose to release the past, so that my vessel (empty glass) is ready for all of the good coming to me now;
  • If you concentrate on what you can’t control, you’ll always be in fear. Focus in on your breathing, your current safety, the love that supports you daily (the chair that supports you, the foundation that holds up your living space, the current friends in your life);
  • Finally, God or Spirit is All in All. If you believe this, then God is in the current situation, also—shaping you, forming you, chiseling your spirit into the perfected being you are intended to be.

Furthermore, I always learn from the present. This gives me peace in the now.

We give away our peace of mind every time we react emotionally to inevitable change. Peace is yours to keep, not give away. So, if you are not experiencing peace, it’s up to you to share why you are anxious with yourself by carrying on a self dialogue. Yes, that’s right. Question yourself. Work it out together with all the parts of your mind (the good, bad, and the ugly). These are the times when we will be closest to our loved ones and also have a great deal of alone time. Use it to your spiritual and physical advantage.

Some friendly reminders about Peace:

  • You are made in the image and by the grace of Peace. 
  • Peace doesn’t comprehend pandemonium. 
  • Peace of mind is gentle.
  • Peace does not judge you or others.
  • Peace promotes calm and love.

Peace Helps You Keep Your Retrospect in Check

Psychology Today says that “it’s not bad to have negative thoughts …

We just have to stop believing them!” (Change your unhealthy thought process to a positive connection with Hypnotherapy.)

You will always find all the coaching, compassion, and peace of mind you need at Hypnosis on Las Olas with 31 years of experience. You can find what we do? and How we do it here.

Change is Coming
Change is Coming
Pause and Observe; Choose Peace

The Physiology of Hypnotherapy:

By going into a subconscious, light sleep or trance, a hypnotists helps find the pathways connecting your outside stimulus to your negative thoughts (food, smoking, anxiety). The work begins in the frontal cortex of your brain

Disconnect the root cause (stress, relationship problems, no quality ME time) at the foot of the pathway (the place where our response to triggers happens) and build a healthy, new pathway to positive outcomes in your life—a new story for tomorrow.

Email me at or call/text at: 954-253-6493 now! 

I’d love to help you find peace, regain control over your life, and build a bridge to a positive future.

Bo Sebastian, owner for 32 years.

Clinical Hypnosis has been known to help these 145 problems: 

145 Ways Hypnotherapy Might Help You…

  • Abandonment
  • Addictions
  • Age Regression
  • Aggression
  • Agoraphobia
  • Anesthesia
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Assertiveness
  • Assist Healing
  • Attitude Adjustment
  • Biofeedback
  • Breathing
  • Career Success
  • Change Habits
  • Panic Attacks
  • Pessimism
  • Phobias
  • Stage Fright
  • Stressful days
  • Study Habits
  • Weight Loss
  • Worry
  • Writers Block and much more
  • For the full list go to: here​
Credentials: HypnotistCredentials: Hypnotist

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